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MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Free, added dump eMMC EXT CSD in MetaMode

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Free, added dump eMMC EXT CSD in MetaMode

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V17 Free

 - added dump eMMC EXT_CSD in MetaMode and parse! registers.
in case if eMMC Info found in /proc/bootdevice mnt ;).

- Reset/Wipe Nvram for some devices in MetaMode (reset both imei's to FFFF).

- this is actually some kind of re-implantation or fix for tool i made last year for ext_csd dump now fixed to work with secure devices.

highly recommend to use SP Api for non-reentrant version of META calls (AP/SP - with USB).

- fixed reboot from preloader mode to meta mode (useful for fused LG and Nokia and some devices which can't enter brom mode without test point (MT6771, MT6763, MT6762G)

- fixed remove temp/un-used dirs.
Phase out :

- Vivo Demo Remove (due to stability and boot mode set API's)
please use previous versions for this feature.

Note : currently you need to re-start!! the software after each meta operation in case if you didn't tick use SP Api - will be fixed later.

Metacore api modem funcs modifications by zishuo.
hoping this will be helpful for gsm technicians.

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18:
Added :

- Huawei FRL-L22 (Y9A) switch to brom mode with signle click without file (switch from upgrade mode to brom for flash mode operation without test point).

* after switch you can use any tool (sigma , cm2) for huawei ID and other operations , after finish the desired operation flash preloader file to get the device working again.

- merged and fixed mtk ofp multi-super region extractor (auto rename preloader and scatter fixed and skipped remove the directory if extraction directory already exists). 

- added disable payjoy app via ADB.
 - Meta mode options updated to support LG and HMD MTK devices.

supported MTK chipstes for meta mode oeprations:
* MT6572
* MT6580
* MT6582
* MT6592
* MT6595
* MT6735
* MT6737
* MT6739
* MT6753
* MT6755
* MT6750
* MT6750M
* MT6750T
* MT6750S
* MT6757
* MT6761
* MT6762
* MT3369
* MT8766B
* MT6763
* MT6765
* MT6768
* MT6771
* MT6779
* MT6785
* MT6795
* MT6797
* MT8127
* MT8163
* MT8516
* MT8173
* MT8695
* MT6873
* MT6799
* MT8590
* MT6781
* MT6768
* MT6883  
* MT6885  
* MT6889  
* MT6833
* MT6853
* MT6853V
* MT6873 
* MT6891Z
* MT6893
* MT8765WB
* MT8385
* MT8183
* MT8666

File Information:

File Name:    MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18

Download Version: V 18

File type:                    compressed/Zip

File Password:        TAMILGSMREPAIR 

File Size:                   12 MB


The  Software Runs Smoothly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 DOWNLOAD

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So these are the features of MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest version. To download the MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 latest setup installer file click the below link. Mobileteam1 It's totally free to download. It's all features are also free. So download and enjoy the tool.

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